HEYME : Complementary health insurance
for students and young professionals

a quoi sert une mutuelle a quoi sert une mutuelle
icone mutuelle

Because an accident or serious illness can happen at any time, the complementary health insurance for students steps in to complete the Social Security reimbursements, which are still only partially covered, and to guarantee you have access to quality medical care.

Intended for students, the complementary health insurance is committed to protecting you against life's risks and covering your health expenses throughout your student life.

In other words, the student complementary health insurance offers an additional health insurance that serves as a second coverage allowing you to limit the remaining expenses or even absorb them completely.

Although it is optional, taking out a student complementary health insurance plan is essential to protect both your health and your budget.

Choose a comprehensive, flexible
complementary health insurance plan that
is tailored to your needs

Heyme te couvre en cas de blessures

An ultra-competitive rate regardless of your age or place of residence.

Consulte tes remboursements et télécharge ta carte de tiers payant

An application to check your reimbursements and download your third-party payment card

assistance rapatriement

Repatriation assistance

Useful for your travels, it prevents from rushing back home by organizing your trip according to your medical condition in case of illness or accident abroad.

Responsabilité civile

Civil liability

Mandatory in internship, it covers the damages you could cause to others during internship in a professional environment or during daily activities (nights out, babysitting, etc ...), in France and abroad.


BONUS Immediate coverage

Fonds Solidarité Exam

'Solidarité Exam' :
A bonus feature included in your guarantee

‘Solidarité Exam’ is a plan that allows you to benefit from the payment of a capital of 5000€ in case of failure to appear for an exam

  • due to the death of a relative (father, mother, spouse or child)
  • or of an illness resulting in a complete hospitalization of 5 consecutive days

To benefit from this fund, it's very simple, just contact Heyme.

Ton assurance heyme t'assure a l'etranger

More insurances included to cover you in any case: internship, abroad, etc...

Dessin de billets de banque

bonusYour HEYME card provides access to Third Party Payers: no upfront fees for most health professionals.

How does student complementary health
insurance work?

a quoi sert une mutuelle a quoi sert une mutuelle
icone mutuelle

A complementary health insurance plan can be chosen individually, depending on your state of health. A student complementary health insurance will be best tailored to your needs, however the rates are higher and the services provided are less tailored to your needs.

At HEYME we take young people's general overall good health into consideration, which helps us offer lower rates and most importantly, we are attentive to their actual needs so that we can offer them tailored coverage (condom packages, 24-hour medical teleconsultation, discount deals, etc.).

We are here
to make your life easier

Des bons plans sur l'application Heyme

All your insurance
policies in one place.

HEYME covers not only your health but also your home, activities, and travel.

Teleconsultation illimitee avec Heyme

Doctors are available for live remote consultations.

Get advice from a specialist and receive a medical diagnosis, all from your smartphone !

Des conseillers heyme pour t'aider

All HEYME services in your mobile app.

Access all services and receive support at any time


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